This post is not meant to be pretentious. You know the way you think, what would I do if I won the lottery? You imagine the first thing you would do. This blog is about my thoughts on changes I would like to implement if I were
Taoiseach. It's just me brainstorming some ideas. OK it is tongue in cheek, but not far off the mark.
First off, Ireland is an
independant sovereign state. The rest of the EU countries must respect this. They must respect the wishes of the Irish people.
Corruption and
shitehawks. The government are all too busy looking after the interests of business. OK we must be friendly to investment obviously, but as far as I am concerned if business does not have a majority Irish workforce, whilst Irish workers are unemployed, they are of little use to us. We have the fiasco of the Atlantic Dawn and ministers lobbying Brussels to grant 3500 tons for the expansion of Ireland's fishing fleet, and it all goes to one man. I cannot say for sure, but I was told that the tonnage was worth approximately 32M Euro. Atlantic Dawn paid nothing. This money should have gone to the public purse. We have had roads planned around supermarkets and house extensions as gifts. We have the biggest troll of the lot,
Harney and her trips to the off licence in a
Casa cn235 aircraft operated by the Air Corps in a maritime search and fishery protection role. She was told to pay the costs of the trip, but an anonymous businessman stepped in and paid them for her. That didn't stop her outings with the Air Corps at the expense of the Irish taxpayer. She would get a new bill with interest added. Now onto the oil, it remains to be seen if we will benefit. Revised reserve estimates must be of benefit to the public accounts. However with Marathon involved I don't hold much hope for a massive boost to
Irelands economy. Time will tell. Ten billion barrels of oil should be creating more noise. Why aren't the government playing down the recession with all the gas and oil resources at our disposal? I think you know the answer. Our politicians, once they get their seat in the
Dail and become accustomed to all the trappings associated with it, forget that they are public servants. Instead the opposite opinion seems to form in their minds. They have a duty to all the citizens of Ireland. Irish citizens must be the first priority above all else, and the interests of one do not outweigh the other, unless for the common good of the Irish people. Corruption is treasonous. No more cushy cells or a la
carte menus in the joy. And no more St Patrick's day trips for those who betray us. Real time with the hard nuts for you lot.
Not a bad little runabout eh Mary?I believe that the government are neglecting our young people. We have well off people who are in no doubt that they will go to university. Then we have the young people who come from disadvantaged backgrounds who have low aspirations. They may underachieve, turn to crime or drugs. Patriotism and pride in Ireland should be instilled in all our citizens. The youth should be taught our proud history and the responsibilities we have to our nation and community. Crime is unpatriotic and working for the common good is patriotic. As an example we could, found an organisation within the Army in which school kids aged 15 to start with would join, voluntarily. They could take part in physical activities like assault courses, orienteering and abseiling. You could take kids and get them involved in many activities which would broaden their horizons and give them confidence. Imagine a kid afraid to abseil down a ledge, imagine how he or she would feel after doing it two or three times. Just maybe that kid might think, 'I can do anything', maybe I will go to university. Kids from all
socio-economic backgrounds could mix and realise they have more in common than they thought. They could help in the community and earn the right to participate in more adventurous activities. The health and fitness of our youth would benefit. Savings may trickle through to our health care system, lower crime and anti social behaviour. All kids regardless of weight or fitness levels could have an appropriate starting point. Anyone thinking Nazi youth, you are wrong. I say use the army because many of the facilities and personnel are there already, so it would be less costly. Politics would not be an issue. The more kids involved, the higher the chance of improving things. Send young offenders to boot camp instead of young offenders facilities. Build their character from scratch.
Education? A right not a
privilege. Now, onto those kids deciding they want to go to University. Too many Irish students leave Ireland to take up a University place due to none being available at home. Foreign students take up many places due to the higher fees they pay, which Universities favour. In Japan you can see young people going to college at 10pm. We could be more flexible and provide lectures 24 hours per day. The facilities are already in place, all we would need is the staff. We could get the maximum benefit from our educational resources. We could rotate day/night classes. It could be made to work and would be accepted over time. Pilot schemes could be set up. This could provide a second chance to mature students. More young people could avail of our academic facilities. Some students may gasp at the thought, but many people work unsociable hours for their entire lives. Students would only have to study for a few years. Highly skilled and well educated citizens will help Ireland compete for investment. If we must bring back fees, third level education must not be side stepped because of finances. A loan based system similar to that of the UK could help. Graduates could pay for their education in easy installments once they are in the workplace. Third level education must be an option for all our young people, by whatever means necessary. Let's face it I've rolled out of the student union many a time at 3am.
Immigration. I think I have covered this one pretty well. If you are unskilled, your are surplus to requirements. We have enough unskilled workers. We should invite those with the skills that will benefit Ireland. You could only claim children's allowance for those resident in the state. We are not an ATM for other countries. Irish workers must not be disadvantaged and undercut. Bye bye eastern Europeans, it's a dog eat dog world. Brussels would give out for a bit, OH NO. Illegals. A clampdown on a massive scale is required. Massive fines for those employing illegal residents would be imposed. Airlines and ferries must photocopy documents of non EU nationals before they board a flight or ferry to Ireland. Passengers would be filmed disembarking and matched to the documents. Too many destroy documents after getting off a flight. They get to stay because immigration does not know where to send them. They must be turned around with their flight at the cost of the operator. The same should be agreed with NI entry points. We live on an island, let's use it. Asylum seekers must use asylum laws properly, and therefore would be turned around on the flight. Maybe a form filled before boarding flight, saying reason for visit would help legally. Too late just before landing. More controls and
vigilance concerning student visas. Attendance records from reputable institutions must be submitted regularly.
I used to boast about how well we looked after pensioners. The medical cards must be available to them. At least means test with a high threshold. Major surgery and care for all but the wealthiest at the cost of the state.
Islam must be contained. No planning approval for mosques. There are too many already.
The state needs money? Up the VAT? No. Lets get more assets from criminals. The state needs to go to town on crime assets. If I had a say known criminals wouldn't be able to buy a
feckin happy meal without proving where they got the dosh. OK a bit strong, but you get the point.
RTE would have to get with the real world and earn their own way. They would have to get their fingers out and and make TV shows that would sell. Do what all other businesses have to do , make sales. Sorry talentless over paid presenters, but we would like some fresh talent who don't overvalue their contribution, and tighter budgets would sort that out. In short licence fee would be phased out.
A united Ireland would be rigorously pursued.
Morally, free
health care and medicines must be provided for all children. If we can't have that, what's the point. Put a more reasonable threshold on the medical cards for all. I would press ahead with the cervical cancer vaccine program for girls. Why should girls be sentenced to death due to inept, corrupt,
No to Lisbon.
NCCRI, Integrate Ireland and their ilk would have to exist solely on charitable contributions. Sure
Ronit Lentin could write a few bullshit books and donate the proceeds. She may put her shekels where her mouth is.
A thorough investigation into the "Bertie Bowl" fiasco.
Give our people the means to improve their lives. If they still choose crime and antisocial behaviour, the needs of victims and not the rights of criminals must be catered for. As far as I am concerned we are supposed to be a nation working in unison and helping each other. They in principle should not be regarded as worthy of citizenship. Not everyone will agree and still choose crime. They step out of the system through their own choice. If they are out of the system of nation and brotherhood, their needs are last on the list. This goes for the worst crimes, rape, murder, terrorism, and drug trafficking. Slopping out and very basic facilities await. No point going to prison to rehabilitate, then play 'grand theft auto' for five years. No
TVs, Pool tables, or
Internet. They would have the tranquility required to ponder their wayward lives. I would rather look after the citizens.
Oil revenues must be
pursued rigorously. Our future depends on it.
I would lobby the EU to put pressure on China to sort out the
Darfur problem. Many African states need pressure put on them, this must be brought to the fore, and a tougher stance must be taken.
Abortion has been decided on, end of.
The economy? David
McWilliams would be requested to put forward proposals. He knows his stuff, that's that.
Indigenous children would not be segregated from their own people at school. That disgusts me. That is not negative towards immigrants by the way. They'd be on their way home most of them anyway. The passport records of Nigerian kids who returned home with parents, would be wiped in a computer system crash. Shit happens Oh well
Ok TD's have piles of advisers, that is me shooting from the hip. You could go deeper and you could go on forever. Any additions or comments, be constructive. Constructive criticism is welcome, but remember I am an engineer not a politician or lawyer.
Oh yeah, last but not least, I'd wash my hair and go to the
shitter to pick my nose!