I've been called a racist for saying Pamela is a scammer, so here's my take on it. It would help if you read the double talking nonsense on letthemstay.org first in order to put things into perspective.
Pamela said that they were well off in Nigeria. She had a highly paid job and Tony was a successful businessman in the IT industry. He was so successful that he visited the UK regularly on business trips, hence the multiple entry visa. RAR and letthemstay.org played up the fact that they were the elite of Nigerian society in order to convince people that they were not economic migrants, and were giving up a great deal to move to Ireland. I am not convinced by this. I think they are bog standard middle class Nigerians, which do not have as good a lifestyle as middle class Irish people. If you look at the interviews with family members you can see that they are not wealthy by where they live. Therefore they could possibly be economic migrants. Also Pamela said she lived in a flat. There was no security. If they were high flyers then they should have lived in a security estate and their kids could have played in the garden.
The basis of her claim was the fact that she had a daughter die due to FGM. There is absolutely no evidence that this daughter existed. All she had was a birth cert, a death cert and ONE photo of a baby. Pamela has admitted that they are fake, yet the bleeding hearts say the doctor is telling lies. Then they tell us he is corrupt because he wanted money to be interviewed by the media. Well why wouldn't he? I think that the doctor is an honourable man. He stayed in Nigeria to provide a valuable service to his community instead of being tempted by the big bucks in Ireland.
Go to letthemstay.org. All you will read are emotions. It's not hard to pick apart the story of a liar. You will read how common FGM is in Nigeria and accounts from "experts" about how common it is. It must be happening on every street corner if they are anything to go by. According to Pamela, even the villagers (I thought she was a city banker) will gang up and carry out the barbaric practice against the wishes of both parents. The police won't even do anything about it even though it is illegal (yeah right). But hey, how can the police stop this barbaric practice when it is so widespread? Fair enough you might think. They can't control such a widespread practice. Go to letthemstay.org and go to the column entitled 'Family left living in limbo as suspected 'economic tourists'. Read down the column and you will find this "Pamela is from a very different tribal culture and community in Nigeria than Tony, and she hadn't even heard of FGM before she gave birth to Elizabeth". OK, not only had she not heard of this very common practice, but she hadn't been told about what is a dangerous and commonly practiced tradition in Tony's family? It says on the website that 60% of Nigerians carry out this practice more lies. WOW Pamela, an intelligent banker had never heard of it. They mustn't talk to each other very much (although the heart wrenching column tells us how strong their love is). I had a school picked out for my kids months before they were born. I certainly would have told my wife about FGM if she were preganant and I wanted it practiced. I think letting her know about it would only have been fair. Pamela has a son in his late teens and the subject never came up whilst she was pregnant with him? OK. Was the practice not carried out on any of Tony's family members between dating Pamela and giving birth to Elizabeth?
Then we have the big scary army officer who is Tony's father. OK. He has so much power and is a force to be reckoned with. Considering how much embarassment he has caused the government in Nigeria you would think he would be pulled in and have some strong words directed at him. I smell more bull with this one.
Then they moved to an apartment and the in-laws found them. A fight ensued and Tony has the scars on his face to prove it. Oh speaking of scars. Letthemstay.org made mention of Tony's tribe. Speaking of tribes. Many tribes in Africa carry out facial scarring. They think it looks good. I have seen facial scarring in Africa. It's more common than FGM. Women and men scar their faces. Google 'African facial scarring'. Some scarification can involve patterns and some are just straight lines on the cheeks. Some scarification looks a mess. It can be just one straight scar on the cheek.

At letthemstay.org we hear an emotional account of how Pamela talks to her son Adrian who is in his late teens. She talks about how much she misses him and of how she asks him if he has a girlfriend. Tony and Pamela met, got married and had their first child Adrian according to their account of their lives. It now emerges that Adrian is possibly Tony's son from a previous relationship. More lies.
We are now told that they have an attestation of Elizabeths death. It is apparently the Nigerian equivalent of a death cert. Now they don't have certificates of births, deaths and marriages in Nigeria? That being the case, how did they manage to obtain forged birth and death certs. Could you pass on a fake 9 euro note? The atteastaion is from a different doctor in a different hospital. This doctor says Elizabeth was referred to him by the original one who denies having any knowledge of Elizabeth. Why would a doctor refer a patient who has lost a large ammount of blood and probably is in shock without stabilising the condition?
There is only the account of Pamela regurgitated over and over at letthemstay.org. First we have the fake documents. Then we have the evil in-laws who have said nothing about the case. We haven't even had a photo of the in-laws from Pamela or Tony their son. The Garda investigated the case and reported their findings. Dermot Ahern acted on those findings and it's state racism according to RAR.
I don't think Pamela meant to let things go this far. I think she was scooped up by upstarts like RAR and various other NGO's and they ran like the devil with it. Pamela didn't break the law and run into hiding without help. It looks like Pamela will be deported. What have the dogooders who promoted themselves gained for Pamela? They have made such a big issue of the case of FGM and "state racism" that neither Ireland or Nigeria want her. They have coaxed this woman into embarassing all involved including people in Ireland who took her at her word. Some will still champion Pamela's cause, but I think that is only the few die hards who want to save face. It would be better for all involved it Pamela were repatriated tomorrow. Some will argue that she will now be in danger. Not through FGM, but from people who are unhappy with the nigerian people being portrayed as inhumane savages. All I have to say to the die hard save face brigade is this. You will really save face if you travel to Nigeria and live with Pamela and her family in order to protect them if you think they are in danger. After all you caused all this trouble.
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